Duplicate, lost or out-of-sync records?
Data that doesn’t facilitate growth?
Frustrated customers?

If you run a small business, you may have reached that point where Excel is no longer adequate to track your business-critical information. The solution? You need a database, built to suit your individual needs, that will not only sustain growth but generate it.

I build custom databases with strong foundations

Robust and fit-for-purpose database design, tailored to your business.

Building a business is like building a home. You start with the foundation, then add walls and a roof, then work on the inside. Mistakes in the foundation that aren’t discovered until the house is fully built requires major re-construction. It’s expensive! As a database expert, I can help you build a strong foundation for your business.

Turn your IT into an asset to not only sustain
growth but generate it


- Synced, clean, useful data
- Tailored to your business
- Custom reporting


- Vance Auctions
- Wounded Warrior
- CIMA General Contractors

Useful Resources

For Small Businesses:
- Why IT is Vital
- Is Outsourcing cost-effective?

“Traci is an extremely skilled developer. Her high technical 

proficiency paired with her excellent communication skills make

her unique and very valuable.”

– Vance Auctions, Ontario, Canada